Sharm Bali

BA Psychology | Graduate Diploma in Adult Education | MA in Adult Education | MA Political Science


Sharm was born in India and migrated to Australia via England. Sharm has a Master’s in Political Science from the University of Delhi and studied articles of law in the UK. He studied and worked in Hospitality before arriving in the NT in 1982 and setting up Darwin’s first Indian Restaurant the Maharaja. Sharm continued to work and study at Northern Territory University, attaining a Bachelor of Psychology and Diploma of Education. He has worked in schools and tertiary institutions across the Northern Territory whilst also working several volunteer roles that serviced the community.

After identifying a gap in the models of Disability Service Delivery, Sharm opened Territory Care and Support Services™ in 1999, which is now one of the leading providers of care in the NT.

Contact Information:

Based at Head Office

Our Team

To provide our high level of participant services our support workers must be of an exceptional standard, we aim to match our team of well trained support staff with each individual.